Friday, February 13, 2009


I wanted to wait to post this until all my forms/confirmations/etc. went through, but it's OFFICIAL! I'm going to engage!09 in June!

I am SO excited about this opportunity. I remember when I first read about it back in December, and set an appointment on my phone right then and there to be sure I signed up as soon as registration opened.

I am thrilled I'll get to meet some of today's hottest wedding professionals! Really looking forward to meeting Lara Casey, Liene Stevens, Abby Larson and so many others.

Here are just a few images to give you a taste of what I'll be up to....

Who else is going?? Comment and let me know!


Robert Holmes said...

Well, Im obviously not going to engage '09 but Ive been to that hotel there in Grand Cayman and it is awesome. Hope you have a good time there. If you have time you should go to Hell (actual place there) or the Sea Turtle Farm.

Ali said...

Ummm.....LUCKY!?!? ;)